5 Herbal Baths For Baby Bathing

5 Herbal Baths For Baby Bathing
5 Herbal Baths For Baby Bathing

Herbal baths for baby skin care. Fortifying and healing baths for babies. General rules for taking herbal baths. What herbs for bathing are used for irritation, diaper rash, rashes.

Baby bathing
Baby bathing

Regular water treatments support the normal emotional and physiological development of the baby. They cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation and muscle tone. Improves the child's mood and strengthens family bonds. Baths with the addition of medicinal herbs have a direct benefit: they heal the skin, increase the defenses, soothe and give a restful sleep.

General rules for preparing herbal baths for children.

Herbal baths are taken without detergents; after the bath, the baby's skin is not rinsed. Small children usually take from 1 to 4 medicinal herbs in an equal dose for bathing. For a bath, 1-2 tbsp is enough. tablespoons of dry raw materials. Brew herbs in 0.5 liters of boiling water in advance, insist in porcelain or glass dishes for about 2 hours. Then it is filtered and added to a ready-made filled bathing tub. The baby's bathing time is 5-10 minutes, after 6-7 months it can be increased to 15 minutes.

Before using herbal baths, it is useful to give your baby an allergy test, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause a reaction in the form of skin rashes. For the test, you need to moisten a small area of skin on the baby's handle with herbal infusion. If redness does not appear in a day, you can safely apply this plant. What herbal baths are most often used for children's bathing?

1. Fortifying baby baths. Children are bathed in them without any problems to further improve their health. For baths, they take herbs with a vitamin, general health effect on the skin: St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, plantain, raspberry, birch, pine needles, fir. They choose 1-2 plants and bathe the babies 2 times a week.

2. Soothing baths. Useful for restless children, "screamers", with disturbed sleep or sleep disturbance. For them, they take herbs with a slight sedative and hypnotic effect: hop cones, motherwort herb, sweet clover, loosestrife, thyme, fireweed, valerian roots, linden flowers. You can combine 2-3 bath plants or take just one.

3. Baths for dry skin. In babies with atopic dermatitis, the skin often dries up, becomes irritated, then plants with a moisturizing, softening and healing effect are used for bathing. These are the roots of wheatgrass, marshmallow, linden flowers and leaves, fireweed herb, leaves of coltsfoot, plantain.

4. Baths with weeping diaper rash. For such baths, herbs with an astringent, antiseptic, drying effect are taken. They choose the grass of a string, the bark of an oak, willow, aspen, a berry leaf, a nut.

5. Baths with pustular rashes. Medicinal plants with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects are used: sage herb, eucalyptus leaves, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, thyme.

Herbal baths are used no more than 2-3 times a week. The skin of babies is easily permeable and quickly absorbs biologically active substances of herbs that are soluble in water. They accumulate in the pores of the skin and act for another two days. It is better not to constantly change the herbs, but to carry out 8-10 health baths with one plant or collection.
