Bathing A Newborn Baby

Bathing A Newborn Baby
Bathing A Newborn Baby

There are several rules for bathing a newborn baby. It is important that the baby always likes bathing.

For the first six months, newborn babies should be bathed daily. It is allowed to bathe the child for the first time after being examined by a pediatrician. The main condition for starting bathing is the umbilical cord falling off and the healing of the umbilical wound. The temperature in the room should be 23 ˚С, and the water temperature - 37 С.

During the first three months, it is recommended to bathe only in boiled water. Water treatments are best done in the evening before feeding. The mother should wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water before bathing.

In order for the child to like water procedures, you need to create favorable conditions. The water should not be hot or cold. Mother's hands should be warm. The child should be lowered into the water with his back, supporting his head and back with one hand.

It is recommended to wash the baby with detergents 2 or 3 times a week. The hair on the head is lathered and washed from the forehead to the back of the head. After bathing, the child should be rinsed with clean warm water. Then dry with a towel, grease all folds with baby cream or powder and put on clean linen.
