Is It Possible For A 2-year-old Child To Have Pea Soup

Is It Possible For A 2-year-old Child To Have Pea Soup
Is It Possible For A 2-year-old Child To Have Pea Soup

Pea soup is loved and often prepared in many families. It can also be found on the kindergarten menu. Therefore, with the introduction of complementary foods, mothers are wondering when to introduce the child to this dish. Should I include pea soup in the diet of a 1-2 year old baby, or is it better to wait?

Is it possible for a 2-year-old child to have pea soup
Is it possible for a 2-year-old child to have pea soup

Peas in the children's diet

Peas, like all legumes, are a valuable source of vegetable protein. It contains a good set of vitamins and minerals: carotene, iodine, calcium, folic acid, selenium and others. It is especially important that it is a hypoallergenic product. However, for all its benefits, peas cause strong gas formation, can provoke malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Not all adults tolerate this product well, let alone young children. In the digestive system of a one-year-old baby, there are still not enough enzymes to digest pea dishes.

Pediatricians recommend giving children pea soup from about 2 years old. Like any complementary food, it is introduced into the diet gradually, starting with a couple of teaspoons. If everything is in order for the baby, in a few days we bring the volume of the soup to a full meal. A great alternative to dry peas is fresh young or frozen peas. It can be added to multicomponent vegetable purees as early as a year.

Secrets of the right soup

Of course, for a children's menu, it is better to cook this dish in low-fat broth, without using spices or flavorings, such as bouillon cubes. And you certainly shouldn't add smoked meats, as in the classic recipe. Just boil the onions and carrots in the broth, and do not fry in a pan with butter. Otherwise, the cooking algorithm remains unchanged. The peas need to be soaked overnight so that they boil well. Finally, add chopped potatoes, carrots and onions to the broth. You can decorate the soup with herbs.

If the child is not chewing well yet, grind the soup in a blender. Mashed food is easier for a small stomach to digest. And it will also be easier for the baby to eat on his own when the dish is thick and homogeneous. In addition to soup, you can cook porridge from peas, add fresh to salads. The main thing is not to get carried away, since this product should be included in the children's menu no more than twice a week.

For any signs of intolerance, colic, bloating or other digestive problems, peas should be discarded. Check with your doctor before trying again. With caution, peas should be introduced into the diet of those children who have gastrointestinal diseases. The recommendations of a specialist are also important here.

If your toddler just doesn't like the taste of pea soup, suggest trying other legumes, such as lentils or beans. Perhaps, as you get older, your child will still return to pea soup and appreciate it.
