Some parents become very worried when they notice that their kids do not know how to jump at all, not only on the spot, but also jump off any small hill, for example, from a roadside curb. In general, the inability to jump before the age of three is considered normal. Teaching a child to do this is not so difficult. The most important thing here is that the little one has good physical fitness.

Step 1
In order to teach a child to jump, you should prepare him for this new skill physically. For jumping, it is very important: the formation of the musculoskeletal system, strong muscles of the baby's legs, the strength of bones and ligaments, the ability to maintain balance.
Step 2
It is possible to improve the physical fitness of the child before learning to jump with the help of a set of gymnastic exercises, which include squats, bending the legs in the supine position, walking on tiptoes, exercise "bicycle". To teach a child to jump, it is necessary to regularly engage in swimming, dancing with him, do exercises for balance, for example, walking on a log, and also massage the baby.
Step 3
When trying to make their first jumps, children, as a rule, fall heavily on the entire surface of the foot, they almost do not bend their knees, and the movements of their arms and legs are poorly coordinated with each other. Therefore, it is recommended to teach a child to jump on a soft surface, for example, on a sofa, on a mattress, on a trampoline, while explaining that it is necessary to land only on toes.
Step 4
All classes aimed at teaching a child to jump should be conducted in a playful way. For example, you can play with your baby in small frogs hunting flies and mosquitoes. Encouraging the child to take new actions, parents can offer him to jump to a bump, catch a mosquito flying overhead, jump over a log.
Step 5
In the process of learning to jump, a trampoline is an excellent assistant. First, the baby can jump on it, holding on to his mother's hands, and then on the wall, window sill or back of the chair.
Step 6
The child can be taught to jump off the sofa onto soft pillows, jump over small objects, such as toys. In this case, the baby should be firmly held by the handles.
Step 7
Mom and Dad, taking the baby by the hands, can jump with him.
Step 8
While showing the child an example of how to jump correctly, parents should say: "jump like a mother (like a kangaroo, like a bunny, like a frog)."
Step 9
At first, babies are able to jump on two legs. Then they master the ability to jump forward, jump over various lines on the floor or cracks in the asphalt. After that, children usually learn to jump long from a place, then jump from low objects and, finally, jump up.