When A Child Has To Say The First Word

When A Child Has To Say The First Word
When A Child Has To Say The First Word

Every young mother is looking forward to the moment when her child utters his first word. The first, barely intelligible, "dad" or "mom" causes incredible delight in parents. However, all children acquire speech at different times.

When a child has to say the first word
When a child has to say the first word

At how many months does the child pronounce the first words

The process of speech development is individual for each individual baby, however, there are main periods of speech formation.

The child begins to make his first sounds at the age of two months. By these sounds, parents can well determine the state and mood of the baby. Over time, mothers acquire the skills to determine when a crying baby means that he is hungry; when something bothers him; but when he just demands attention to his person. Also, small children can make sounds that mean joy, pleasure and positive emotions.

At the age of one and a half to three months, the child already begins to make such sounds as humming, gurgling. Also at this age, children begin to respond to the speech of adults.

At four to five months, babies are already babbling. A child usually pronounces the first word at the age of eight months to one year. This word does not always become "mom". The child pronounces the word that is most convenient for him. Most often this is a word that has the same syllables: "mom", "baba", "lala" "and others.

It can be noted that very often children, having pronounced the first word, begin to use it when referring to any object or an adult. This can continue until the child comes to the realization that each object has a separate name. At the age of one, a child should already know about five to eight syllables.

Further development of speech

By about one and a half years old, young children begin to put simple words into simple phrases. Often such phrases become "I want to eat", "give me a drink" and the like.

It should be noted that speech development in girls is much faster and more active than in boys. However, all children aged three to four should be able to speak in phrases and have a certain number of words in their vocabulary. If this does not happen, then you need to contact such specialists as a speech therapist and a neurologist.

Parents should encourage their child's speech development. They should teach the kid the skills of commenting on their own and others' actions. To do this, the baby's mother should sit down herself at the word “sit down”. Children are very good at learning words in a playful way. If an eight-month-old child likes to play "okay", then when an adult asks to demonstrate this, the baby begins to actively clap his hands.

In the Russian language, there are many nursery rhymes that also give a good effect when teaching a baby to speak. It is necessary to invite the child to demonstrate the actions described in these nursery rhymes. Adults need to pay more attention to teaching the kid to comment on their actions. Memorizing the names of household items and toys also has a good effect.

Every day new information arrives in the child's brain. Sometimes it may seem to parents that the process of speech development has reached a dead end, but this is not so. Over time, all children express their knowledge verbally.
