Sleep is one of the main indicators of a baby's health. It is in a dream that the child grows and rests, prepares to learn about the world around him. Unfortunately, not all babies sleep in a serene and sound sleep. There are some simple rules to help your child sleep soundly throughout the night. They must be adhered to from the first month of life.

Step 1
Put your baby to bed at the same time. Before going to bed, be sure to bathe your child in warm water with herbal infusion and do a massage, it will help to move away gases. Create your own evening sleep ritual.
Step 2
In order for the baby to sleep well, he should not feel hungry. Feed your baby thirty minutes before bedtime. After that, hold it in your arms in an upright position so that the child can belch out the air that has gotten into the food. Be sure to wait for the air to come out.
Step 3
Ventilate the area well before bed. The air in the room should be humid and slightly cool. The more oxygen in the air, the better the baby's sleep will be.
Step 4
In the evening, try not to turn on loud music and TV to avoid unnecessary noise. Do not expose your child to contact with a large number of people. Create a calm, cozy atmosphere in your home that will help your baby sleep well.
Step 5
Carefully swaddle the baby along with the arms so that they do not interfere with him and the child is not afraid of twitching his legs and arms in a dream. At night, swaddle the baby only if absolutely necessary.
Step 6
Leave the night light in the room at night, the twilight should reign. Dim the lights and talk less during night feeds.
Step 7
Don't train your toddler to be sick. Put him in the crib and sit next to him until the baby falls asleep. Sing him a lullaby, your voice will calm him down and help him fall asleep. If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, teach him to fall asleep on his own.
Step 8
Spend more time outdoors with your child. Don't miss your daily walks.
Step 9
Try to react more calmly to your baby's screams and crying for no particular reason. Do not take him immediately in your arms with every yell, otherwise he will get used to it very quickly. The child will understand that his mother will always come to his cry and surround him with love.