More and more nursing mothers complain that milk is decreasing. They purchase teas and other means to stimulate lactation, but if the mother's body does not receive a sufficient amount of protein food, then he will have nothing to stimulate.

Step 1
Review your menu. In my mother's plate, 3 times a day, there should be dishes from fish, meat, cooked sausages of the highest grade.
Step 2
Once a day, you should have meat cooked to your liking (whole pieces, not minced) on your menu. At least a small portion.
Step 3
After each meal, be sure to drink 2: 1 semi-sweet black tea with milk with a slice of bread, butter and hard cheese.
Step 4
Don't skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, or do other post-feeding activities until you've had tea and a sandwich. If you are very tired, ask other family members to make you tea and a sandwich. Keep sandwiches small. The main thing is the regularity of their use.