How To Massage A Baby

How To Massage A Baby
How To Massage A Baby

Table of contents:


Massage improves the baby's appetite, regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the formation of a regime (sleep and wakefulness rhythms), maintains muscle tone, accelerates motor development, and hardens. Massage for a baby is also important because a favorable atmosphere of understanding and love is created through the gentle touches of the parents that give the child pleasure.

It is necessary

  • - baby oil,
  • - a hard, warm surface (changing table covered with a blanket).


Step 1

During the very first massage of a baby, adults should remember that all movements are done from the legs to the head. You can start by stroking your toes. Then, holding your right leg under the heel with your left hand, with your right hand, with a grasping movement, you need to stroke the leg from the foot to the hip joint. Corresponding exercises should be done on the child's left leg. Then you can make a "bicycle" legs.

Step 2

After that, it is worth stroking the stomach clockwise (by the way, these movements also help with colic), perform a circular stroking of the buttocks and proceed to massage the chest. Exercises are performed with light stroking movements from the sternum to the shoulder joints, then from the middle of the sternum along the intercostal spaces.

Step 3

Next, you should stroke your hands - from hand to shoulder, work with each finger on your hands, the back of the hand and palm.

Step 4

In conclusion, you need to massage your head - along the forehead from the middle to the temples. It is also recommended to slightly stretch the ears.

Step 5

In the third month, to the first set of exercises, doctors advise adding back massage with the backs of the palms and rubbing the oblique and transverse muscles from below under the lower back to the navel and rectus muscles on the abdomen.
