Newborn babies are born with a weak muscular system, therefore, for good physical development, they need massage and gymnastics. And if in the first weeks classes are more like gentle stroking of a child, then by 6 months there are exercises that contribute to the development of the crumbs of regular skills, namely the ability to crawl and sit down.

Step 1
Massage for a 6 month old baby is combined with exercise. Start by stroking your arms from the wrists to the shoulders. Spread them apart, then cross over your chest, pull up and down. Repeat each movement up to 8 times. You can already use the rings for these exercises. Place them in the baby's arms and pull gently on them.
Step 2
Go to massage the abdomen, while making circular movements from left to right (along the bowel) and grab only the area below the navel. Perform up to 8 times. Stroke your baby's chest several times with the palm of your hand, and then move with both hands from the center to the sides (along the ribs).
Step 3
Massage the baby's legs - several simultaneous and then alternate flexions and extensions. Finally, apply light pressure to the feet and massage each toe. There are points on them that are responsible for the work of internal organs. And since all systems of the newborn continue to develop intensively after birth, this process must be stimulated.
Step 4
Turn from back to side, 3 times in each direction. To evenly load the spine, support the child by the elbow and knee. Finally, turn the baby over onto his stomach and start massaging the back.
Step 5
Stroke the back of the child with your palm - from the sacrum to the neck. In the same direction, make several light pressure on the paravertebral muscles. Then, with your palms, stroke from the spine towards the shoulders and along the ribs. Finish the back massage by lightly gathering the skin into folds (pinching).
Step 6
Perform a torso lift. Place the child on his stomach so that his legs rest against you and pull him up by the arms spread apart. From lifting, gently place the child on your knees. Repeat up to 3 times.
Step 7
Turn the baby from the belly to the back and sit down. If the baby holds onto the rings well, use them. Place them in the baby's arms and slowly pull them towards you. Repeat 2 times.
Step 8
At the end of the massage and gymnastics, do a crawling exercise. Turn the baby from his back onto his stomach. Place your palm at his feet and gently push him forward. Gradually, he will begin to attract his legs to him and begin to get up on all fours. If the baby is already able to crawl by 6 months, then this exercise will only consolidate the skill he has acquired.