Seventeen weeks of pregnancy is almost half of the term. The position of the woman is already clearly visible, more and more changes are taking place in the body, and the baby is developing at an accelerated pace.

Step 1
At the 17th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus can be 16-18 cm, and its weight reaches 150g. One important feature of this period is that the baby develops fatty tissue that is able to keep warm, although the baby's skin is still very thin.
Step 2
A small hairline appears on the skin - a fluff, which experts call "lanugo". Some babies are born covered with this fluff, and after a couple of days it is no longer on the child's body. Although most often it disappears before birth.
Step 3
This is the period when the first convolutions and grooves appear on the child's brain. By this time, the fetal heart has practically formed and fully copes with its function of pumping blood. With the help of an obstetric stethoscope, you can already hear the baby's heartbeat. In addition, the child begins to distinguish between sounds and may even react differently to too loud or harsh. Therefore, speaking to your child in a quiet, calm voice, you can calm him down.
Step 4
The seventeenth week is a period of rapid growth of the fetus. Some pregnant women, especially slim and miniature ones, can already feel the first movements of the child, because his activity is growing every day.
Step 5
During this period, a second ultrasound of the pregnant woman is usually done. Even a mother, who looks at the monitor of the device for the first time, can notice the well-formed arms and legs of the child, a large head in relation to the whole body. If you try, you can even consider the sex of the child, because all the external signs have long been formed, and for an experienced doctor it will not be difficult to see. You can ask the doctor to take the first photo, because it is still a small, but already practically formed baby.
Step 6
Another interesting feature of fetal development at week 17 is the appearance of a swallowing reflex. The child begins to drink the liquid that is around him. The baby will still have a lot of time to perfect this skill, and by birth he will be able to swallow almost as well as any adult.
Step 7
By this time, the mother usually has primary toxicosis, she gets used to her position and begins to enjoy her condition. It's time to engage in the psychological and intellectual development of the baby: listen to good music, walk in the fresh air and get the maximum of positive emotions from this, read aloud, accustoming the child to his voice and literature. The main thing is to maintain a positive attitude, and then the second half of the pregnancy will pass easily and calmly.