One of the exciting and exciting questions of all parents is how to potty train their baby when it needs to be done? Someone seeks to "potty" their child as early as possible in order to thereby save themselves from the problem of spending money on diapers, others are in no hurry to do this. But when exactly this should be done, mothers do not know.

It is more expedient to make the first attempts to introduce the baby to the pot after the first year of life. There is no need to do this earlier and is even harmful for physiological reasons: the skeleton of the baby's spine is not yet sufficiently strong for such loads.
Some rules for potty training
Firstly, not only the child, but also the parents themselves must prepare for this event. They need to understand that they will spend a lot more time to instill in the baby toilet skills not only on weekends, but also on weekdays.
Secondly, the best time is summer. At this time, the process of drying clothes is fast, so the risks of getting sick in a child are the smallest.
Thirdly, it is better to purchase a regular pot. No need to buy bright pots with pictures or toys attached to it. The pot is a hygiene item, not a toy.
Fourthly, it is better to plant on the pot after eating or sleeping, and also when you understand that the child needs to empty the stomach. But at this moment it is important not to scare the child, do not fuss.
Fifth, if your little one succeeds in doing what he wants to do, be sure to praise him.
Even if your baby is already well potty trained, you should not completely forget about diapers. It is good to take diapers with you on a trip, use them at night or during a cool time for a walk.