In the life of any parent, sooner or later the question arises of potty training and, as a result, a great many doubts, problems, advisers, complexes, etc. Let's figure out how to avoid all this.

I am a young mother, so in my life, as in the life of any parent, there came a moment when questions flashed in my head: how to potty train a child? At what age? What if she starts crying? And you never know it will work? But now, fortunately, this time has passed, my daughter goes to the potty, and I can share my advice with you from my own experience. Hope they help you.
1. Calm, only calm!
When it comes to a child, you should be absolutely calm and confident in what you are doing (at least outwardly), because the child feels your nervousness and excitement, and accordingly, he will be nervous himself and nothing will work out.
2. Don't listen to anyone!
You don't need to listen to a grandmother who proves that in her time children went to the potty since birth, or a friend who boasts that her child is already going to relieve himself - you shouldn't give a damn about that! Let this information deafen, otherwise you will feel like some kind of "not home" and torture your child with convulsive attempts to plant, you will think that he is "not like that". When and how to teach your child is your business and it should not concern anyone.
3. All children are different
All children have individual development: someone went earlier, and someone started to cut their teeth earlier. The child is not a tram and the books contain only approximate statistics, as if nothing will happen on time. Accordingly, focus on your child and his readiness for something. Personally, in our family, the following situation turned out: I tried to put my daughter in a pot when she was a year old, but her ass fell through the hole (she is thin with us) and this, of course, scared her - everything ended in tears; then I tried to plant her on a pot after a year and a half, but for reasons I did not understand, she screamed and got up from the pot forcibly - only then I realized that she was simply not emotionally ready for this, because 3 days before she was 2 years old she was just she began to go to the potty. There was no limit to my surprise and joy. Maybe you have a similar situation and you just need to wait?
4. By the clock
They say that usually kids want to go to the toilet about 20 minutes after eating (maybe your baby has a different way and you know your time), so if your child does not refuse to sit on the potty, start dropping your child around the time the toilet is needed - from time to time you will hit and addiction will begin. And give up diapers (at least in the daytime, if you wear them) - after all, if the baby puffs up his pants, he will understand that it is unpleasant (you will not understand it in a diaper).
5. To the toilet together
Do not kick the child out of the toilet - let him watch and learn, because children tend to repeat after adults.
I think if you follow these simple tips, you will succeed, and do not torture yourself or your child. In our time, training begins early in several cases:
1) The child is ready himself.
2) Desire to show off.
3) Savings - there is not enough money for diapers, and constantly washing floors, cleaning carpets and washing is not easy.
But if the age is approaching 5-6 years, and problems with the toilet still arise, you should contact a pediatrician.