Modern diapers have made it much easier to care for a baby, but have made the process of potty training a little more difficult. However, sooner or later each baby will have to be taught to go to the toilet on their own.

Step 1
Get your child a bright, beautiful plastic pot that attracts attention. Don't buy pots with music or other specialties. The child should not perceive it as a toy. For a boy, a pot is suitable, in which the front part is somewhat overestimated. The baby should be comfortable to sit on it.
Step 2
First, put the child on the potty a couple of times a day for a few minutes without removing his pants so that the baby gets used to the new object and does not have rejection from contact with the cold seat of the pot.
Step 3
Tell your child what the pot is for. Show your baby how you throw a dirty diaper in the pot, comment on your actions. After a week, place the baby without a diaper. But don't rush him or scare him. Within a week, the child will finally get used to it.
Step 4
Put your child on the potty several times a day, trying to catch the moments when he wants to use the toilet. Take a close look at your baby. Usually, in such cases, children stop playing, freeze, concentrate, push. Plant on the pot after eating, sleeping, walking. Teach your child to take off their pants or tights on their own.
Step 5
Place the pot in a place that is visible and accessible to your child. Explain to your baby that he can sit on the pot when he needs it. Praise and encourage your little one to be independent, but remind him from time to time to go to the bathroom.
Step 6
Be patient - the process of teaching yourself to go to the toilet is long, sometimes it takes several months. Do not scold your child or intimidate in case of failure. If the child is naughty and refuses to sit on the potty, forget about teaching for a while, and then start again, taking into account past mistakes. Do not force your toddler to sit on the potty.