When To Plant A Child

When To Plant A Child
When To Plant A Child

For the correct development of the child, it is very important to master physical skills in a timely manner. Young, inexperienced parents often find themselves at a dead end at the next stage: is it worth "pushing" the baby or is it better to trust the natural course of events?

When to plant a child
When to plant a child

When a child turns four or five months old, many parents have a question - should he already be planted? On the one hand, he still seems too small and clearly does not feel like twisting his back. On the other hand, a neighbor says that her five-month-old baby can already sit if you put a pillow under his butt. And a friend of her cousin says that she began to teach the child to sit down even earlier. And if you listen to others, you can only get upset - is the baby really lagging behind in development?

Are boys seated before girls?

If parents do not interfere in the development process, babies begin to sit on their own in different ways. If they are trying to help, then it is useful to know that boys can be seated a little earlier than girls. At the age of 3-4 months, you can arrange a soft bed of pillows for the baby to simulate a semi-sitting position. This does not put stress on the spine, but it helps the back get used to this position.

For toddlers, this skill is an important step in learning about their environment. When you finally manage to sit without resting your hands on the floor, the child gains the opportunity to master new games and exciting activities.

In order not to be tormented by doubts, the best option is not to listen to neighbors and acquaintances of relatives, but to talk to the doctor who is observing the baby. Most likely, the advice will be this: it is necessary to act depending on the natural development of the baby, so as not to go against his physical capabilities and desire.

When parents start to seat a child, his health in the future largely depends, so you should not be very zealous.

What will be most important for the ability to sit

Before you sit down a child, you need to pay attention to how his skeletal and muscular systems are developed. For the baby to be able to sit on its own, the body must first prepare itself. If the muscles are not allowed to strengthen properly, the spine and other bones will become overloaded, which may not be the best effect on health.

Very young children have a soft spine and very light cartilage; under load, they easily move from their place, and the spine can bend because of this.

A child who is completely healthy in a physical sense begins to sit down on his own when his bones and muscles are well prepared. In order to sit, you must first learn to hold your head. At four months of age, you can start seating your baby briefly on a soft surface. At five months, he will sit in pillows already quite confidently. The norm is when the baby can sit exactly at 6-7 months.

The child's body is ready for the load when he himself tries to sit down. Do not discourage him, even if it seems too early to you. Of course, at first the child will do it uncertainly, but gradually he will get better and better.
