There is a set rate of weight that a child should gain at a certain age. A slight deviation from the norm is not dangerous, in one month the baby can gain less than the norm, and in the next - more.

Why the child began to gain little weight
If the child is healthy, and outwardly it is impossible to determine the cause of the significant underweight, you should consult a doctor and conduct all the necessary examinations.
The reasons why children do not gain weight can be the following:
- worms (they are easy to identify);
- an underestimated level of hemoglobin, as a result of anemia;
- transferred stress or neurological disease;
- any disease of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea, etc.);
- does not eat "back" milk, which is more fatty, as it is applied alternately to one breast and then to the other.
If parents did not gain weight well during childhood, it is likely that it will be inherited by their child.
Another reason for underweight may be low-calorie (empty) milk from the mother, as a result of which it will be necessary to introduce complementary foods into the child's diet. This must be done correctly and gradually in small quantities, since a small body needs to get used to new food so as not to greatly disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, assimilation and digestion of food.
Also, do not worry if the child is slightly underweight, this may still be due to his mobility, with the expenditure of a large amount of energy during wakefulness.
This is not a cause for concern, because it is not difficult to notice the child's activity.
How to gain weight quickly for a small child
If the baby is often in a stressful environment, scandals, this can also affect appetite. The child may simply not eat, refuse food, the mother may lose milk or become "empty" due to nervousness. Therefore, parents should avoid stress and be less nervous, as this will necessarily be passed on to the child, and the consequences can be very diverse (including an unbalanced nervous system in life).
Lack of appetite may indicate lowered immunity, which must be raised to normal. This can be done with the help of special vitamins, food, walks in the fresh air, hardening and more.
It is necessary to create all conditions for the baby to grow up healthy, developed, sociable. To monitor his health, nutrition, culture of development is the most basic and important thing that can be done for a full life of a child. At a minimum, care and affection will create a good mood for the baby, which will help prevent a number of certain problems and diseases.