How To Enter Kindergarten

How To Enter Kindergarten
How To Enter Kindergarten

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Your baby has grown up, he is already 2 years old. A new stage in his life will soon begin - a kindergarten. The tense situation with kindergartens in the country is frightening. But if everything is done on time and correctly, there will be no special problems with admission.

How to enter kindergarten
How to enter kindergarten


Step 1

First you need to get on the queue for kindergarten. To do this, find out the address, phone number and working hours of the education department of your area. Specifically - a specialist in the department of preschool education. Rumors spread among expectant mothers about the need to apply before the baby is born are greatly exaggerated. In the end, no one will accept your application without a birth certificate. But if the certificate is already in your hands, go immediately. It is not even necessary to register the child at this stage. The passport of one of the parents is enough. If you have a residence permit in another city, you either need to make a temporary registration at the place of residence, or take a certificate from the clinic that you actually live at such and such an address and are assigned to this clinic.

Step 2

It is also not worth delaying the submission of documents. The sooner you get on the line, the more likely it is that the baby will get into the kindergarten that is convenient for you, and at 2-3 years old, and not at 5. By the way, if you already have children attending kindergarten, then the next child will in any case, they will be sent to the same preschool educational institution. Now you just have to wait for the distribution of vouchers. You will be immediately given a ticket indicating when you need to come for a voucher. Usually this is the spring of the year when the child turns 2 full years old. If you are going to send your child to kindergarten later, for example from 3 years old, you need to call or come personally to the education department and inform about it. So your place won't go anywhere.

Step 3

There is also a list of categories of citizens who have advantages over the main waiting list for the placement of a baby in kindergarten.

Out of turn there are:

- orphans, children left without parental care, transferred for adoption or custody to another family;

- children of citizens exposed to radiation during the Chernobyl accident;

- children of judges, prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

- children from dysfunctional families who are registered with the commission on juvenile affairs. The following have the primary right: - children from large families;

- children of persons doing military service by conscription or contract;

- children of current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as children of employees who died in the line of duty, or were injured incompatible with further service;

- disabled children and children of parents, one of whom is disabled. Children of teachers and children of single mothers also have some advantage.

Step 4

When the excitement is over and the cherished ticket has been received, go to bypass the doctors. You can visit the main specialists in another six months. Purchase a medical card, in it you will find a complete list of specialists. Usually it is an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, surgeon, orthopedist, neurologist, dentist, local pediatrician. But the analyzes must be fresh. These are blood tests, urine tests, feces and scrapings. The maximum permissible period is no earlier than ten days before the final submission of documents directly to the preschool institution. When everything is ready, the medical card must be signed by the preschool specialist at your clinic. You can give it for signature with a longer test period, in which case you will need to retake it when the exact date from which the baby will start going to kindergarten is known. In this case, the pediatrician will write you a certificate that there are no infections.

Step 5

The Department of Education will tell you the date of the preliminary parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten. At the meeting, you will learn what documents are needed, what are the requirements for clothing and the preparedness of the baby for kindergarten. Of course, they will also talk about the institution itself, the work schedule, diet and sleep patterns. The list of documents will be announced to you, but usually they require:

- a copy of the birth certificate;

- a copy of the medical policy and insurance certificate of SNILS;

- medical card;

- vaccination certificate;

- a copy of the passport of one or both parents;

- a copy of the savings book of one of the parents;

- if there are still children attending kindergarten - their birth certificates.

Step 6

If you appear in person to the head of a preschool institution, write an application for admission to a kindergarten, an application for compensation for paying for a kindergarten and familiarize yourself with the charter of the kindergarten. As for the notorious material assistance to the kindergarten - decide for yourself, but by law you are not obliged to do this. In which case, you can contact the education department. If the kindergarten you received is located far from your home, and someone agrees with you to change directions, do it before the meeting. You can try to transfer the baby to another kindergarten next year, if there is not enough room in the nursery group, and everything is in order in the younger one. The same education department will help you. Again, decide for yourself how the child perceives it.
