What Kind Of Shoes Do Children Need

What Kind Of Shoes Do Children Need
What Kind Of Shoes Do Children Need

Attentive parents know that it is better for babies under 3 years old to wear orthopedic shoes, because during this period, the children's foot is actively formed. This is especially true for babies who got up on their feet very early. Nowadays, a huge number of shoes for every taste, color and cost are presented on the market. The first steps of the child always depend on the shoes in which he begins to move. How do you choose the right and good shoes?

Children's shoes
Children's shoes

Children's orthopedists advise to choose prophylactic orthopedic shoes with a high hard back, ankle and a heel so that the leg does not fall over. The anatomical longitudinal instep support is suitable for all children and helps to shape the leg correctly. Ideally, prophylactic orthopedic shoes with laces that fix the leg well are considered correct. Fortunately, in our time on the market for footwear for babies, there is a large selection among manufacturers from various countries.

Skeptical parents usually make a common argument that no one has ever worn orthopedic shoes before, and everyone walks, nothing happened. The fact is that most people have no idea that they have flat feet or other deformities of the feet. Usually, all this becomes clear at the moment when nothing can be changed. Many women start having problems already during pregnancy, when the load on their legs increases significantly. Most people in old age suffer severely from leg pain. Partially such phenomena can be prevented even in childhood. Also, do not forget that at the time of our grandfathers and grandmothers who ran barefoot in the village on the grass, pebbles and sand, orthopedic shoes were simply not needed, because nature helped the formation of the child's body in a natural way. Does your child have the opportunity to run on natural safe surfaces or does he only walk on parquet and asphalt?
