If, after the betrayal of your husband, you decide to go through this situation peacefully and save your family, these tips will help you cope with this difficult task.

Step 1
The first step a woman must take is to accept cheating. It hurts enough. You should not hide your suffering, cry, speak out, let your spouse fully feel his guilt and repent. It is hard for men to live with guilt, mental anguish, this is a good method of punishment.
Step 2
You have decided to forgive treason. This is a rather lengthy process. Don't force yourself to act like nothing happened. Give yourself as much time as it takes. Psychologists advise to take an internal attitude, for example, "I no longer feel pain," "I trust my husband."
Step 3
It is useful to get rid of the daily contemplation of the traitor for a while. You can live a little separately, but it is better to go on a short vacation, travel. A change of scenery will be beneficial, and your spouse will have ample time to acknowledge their guilt and find a way to your forgiveness.
Step 4
You should not dissolve in a relationship, in a man. In addition to relationships, there is you yourself, a separate established personality. In addition to caring for and worrying about your spouse and family, you must have personal interests that also require your time and attention. Distract more on your hobbies, work, it helps to cope with obsessive thoughts.
Step 5
If you have children, it's time to give them more attention. Arrange a holiday, a trip to nature, you can communicate with an adult child, discuss his plans. Sometimes this is the best consolation for a wounded heart.
Step 6
A woman who is not confident enough in herself is more difficult to survive cheating. Love yourself. Refresh your hairstyle, wardrobe, take self-help courses. Nothing heals like attention of the opposite sex, compliments, innocent flirting. You need to feel attractive, feminine. More often, get out of the house, meet with friends.
Step 7
Tune in to a brighter future. The man stumbled, but this is not a reason to give him up. Find out the reason for the betrayal, perhaps it is your fault, after a frank conversation, try to correct your mistakes. If your spouse repents, swears that he still loves you, he may well be given a second chance. By joint efforts, you can overcome any obstacle, betrayal will be forgotten, and family relationships will only become stronger.