The inconsistency of partners becomes a major cause of breakups. Instead of a happy relationship, a broken couple is left with a bitter aftertaste and happy memories, thoroughly sprinkled with offended feelings, deception, and resentment. Only a few manage to make a comedy out of such a tragedy, albeit not the best one. Perhaps there are ways to forgive and forget mistakes.

Reasons for cheating
Often, the husband's betrayal is justified by male polygamy, while managing to forget about elementary moral values: trust, responsibility, honor. But is such deception really based on trampled respect, or is it a momentary impulse from the "flesh is weak" series? Maybe there are exceptions when treason is no worse than a game of tennis with a random counter?
The reason for her husband's betrayal is, first of all, his dissatisfaction with life with his chosen one. Boredom, routine, dullness of feelings can lead to the search for something new. And, if you do not bend your soul, the woman herself may be to blame for this. If we discard all emotions and understand the situation soberly, who will any person, be it a man or a woman, hold an admiring gaze: on a well-groomed beauty with a flying gait from the hip or on a "pug" in a stretched T-shirt with a shopping list in hand? The choice is obvious. Unattractiveness of the wife (sexually, aesthetically, intellectually) becomes the main reason for cheating. In this case, you should not bite your elbows and blame everyone and everything. In this case, it is necessary to become better and prove that, it would seem, the book read by the husband contains many of the most interesting, but missed pages.
How to understand and forgive
Everything is correct. The betrayal of a husband must first be understood. To evaluate his act not as a man's act, but as a man's act, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. If there were reasons for physical betrayal, which are partly to blame for the inadequacy of the wife and partly for her unwillingness to change something, then, perhaps, rightly so. Nobody wants Klushu. Nobody wants to iron the cellulite hidden under the terry sheet. Abruptly, yes. But such a position is the only way not to spread out in self-pity, but to analyze what happened and draw the right conclusions, that is, to forgive. It is important in the future to convince yourself that you can trust this man again, that the wife is able to change everything and not lead the situation to repeat the mistake.
Do not understand, do not forgive
It is much worse if the betrayal is not isolated, if it develops into a strong bond and goes beyond the limits of physical deception, approaching spiritual betrayal. Alas, in such a situation, a person is lost. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find the right reason among the clutter of questions, that is, to understand. And if a person turns out to be misunderstood, then he becomes a stranger. Why then forgive a stranger and forgive him sins? This is not the wife's specialty.
Cheating on a husband in a difficult moment is unacceptable. It cannot be called a whim, it cannot be justified by weakness. The inability to be a support in a difficult moment is much more terrible in a man than his craving for new sensations with other women. Therefore, forgiveness is out of place here. If a person has failed, then it may happen again.
It is important in this situation to maintain self-esteem, not to take all the blame, to maintain respect and confidence in your attractiveness. And always remember that life goes on.