"You pay no attention to me at all!" - many men had to listen to such reproaches from their girls. To maintain good relations with his beloved and a comfortable atmosphere at home, it is better for a man to immediately agree and begin to show such signs of attention that a woman needs.

- - flowers;
- - breakfast;
- - some amount of money.
Step 1
Think about how much time you spend with your girlfriend so that you are only busy with each other. Joint shopping trips, watching football matches and evenings with a noisy company of friends do not count. When you come home, take 10 minutes to your side. Ask how her day went, tell her that you miss her. Hug your woman. And only then sit down with dinner in front of the TV.
Step 2
Don't forget to praise the girl. Remember that whatever she does at home, she is doing for you. Tell her that the baked meat turned out to be extremely tasty, and the new hairstyle suits her very well. After such words, your beloved will try even harder for you.
Step 3
Please the lady with nice little things. It is not necessary to give chic bouquets and order tables in expensive restaurants in order to please a girl. Present her one rose or a bunch of wildflowers, invite her to a cafe for a cup of coffee. The main thing is that it should be without reason and unexpected for the girl.
Step 4
If you are in a company, behave in such a way that your girlfriend understands that you distinguish her from other ladies. Hug her around the waist or hold her hand. If you're serving drinks at the table, fill your woman's glass first. Do everything to make her feel that she is more important to you than everyone else. In addition, if a woman understands this, she will be more willing to let you go with friends.
Step 5
Laugh when your girlfriend is joking. It is very important for people that loved ones understand their humor.
Step 6
On the weekend, make her breakfast and bring it to bed. This is one of the most common stereotypes in the life of a couple in love, but nevertheless, most women are delighted with it.
Step 7
If a woman is contemplating romantic melodramas, repeat some act of a man from her favorite movie (of course, to the best of his ability). After that, your beloved will agree that you are practically superman.