The Skype application has gained great popularity among users around the world because it allows you to communicate regardless of the distance between users. However, to do this, you must first find each other.

Skype communication
The program Skype (Skype), designed for communication between Internet users from different parts of the world, has gained its popularity largely due to the extensive opportunities that it provides for this communication. So, for example, it can be used like any other text messenger - to send text messages, which can also be supplemented with emoticons that reflect the author's emotions. In addition, you can attach a photo, video or other file to such a text message that you want to send to your interlocutor.
In addition, this program enables users with a webcam on their computer to communicate via video communication. In this case, the interlocutors literally see each other in the course of the conversation: each - on the screen of his computer. Therefore, if the video image quality of the cameras of communicating users is high enough, such communication can create an almost complete illusion of personal presence, despite the fact that the interlocutor may be several thousand kilometers away from his counterpart.
Skype's search capabilities
However, for all its advantages, Skype's search capabilities are quite limited. In particular, in order to search for the addressee you need, you need to enter any of his data in the appropriate line: first or last name, login in Skype or e-mail address. After entering this information, the program will offer you a list of registered users that meet the specified criteria, and you will need to find among them the one to whom the request was sent.
Then you will need to send the selected user a request for contact information, and only after he accepts it and sends you the necessary information, you can use the extensive capabilities of the Skype program to communicate with the person you need.
Thus, in Skype, unlike other common messengers or social networks, there is no possibility of selecting an interlocutor according to certain criteria, for example, gender, age, or the like. In other words, you can send a request only to a person who is more or less familiar to you in real life, on social networks or in other areas. This limitation exists in the program for a reason: the developers specially set it so that the program could not be used to send spam, advertising messages or other similar information.