Friendship plays an essential role in the life of every person. Friends appear in early childhood, when a mother goes out to walk with her child. She takes him to children's circles. At first, it is very difficult to make acquaintances and friendships. Everything comes with time.

Step 1
By the age of two, all children begin to reach out to their peers. By this age, the child is no longer enough communication with the family. Have many faced the fact that it is impossible to take a child home from the playground? This is completely normal. The child is growing, he just needs communication with peers for his own development. Parents, in turn, should instill the basics of communication in their baby as early as possible. This will play a huge role in starting contact with other children. But finding true friends is very difficult.
Step 2
As for very young children, visiting developmental events, circles or sections plays a huge role. In all cities there are groups in which they study with children who do not even go to nurseries yet. These circles are organized by psychologists and teachers. Parents take their babies to such places so that they can be prepared for the nursery, played with them, and developed them. They are taught to communicate. Just from this, friendship can begin. Sometimes, after meeting at such circles, children ask their mother to go and play with a certain child. Parents and children begin to communicate outside the circle.
Step 3
The area near the house can also serve as a place to meet and make friends. Children begin to communicate with those who easily make contact. Of course, children not only play, but also conflict. Didn't share a bucket or a nice car. At home, the child is constantly under the care of relatives and thinks that this should be the case everywhere. Teach your child as early as possible not to be greedy. When children start to quarrel, do not stand aside, it is necessary to smooth out the conflict.
Step 4
Explain to your child how you can take the first step to get to know each other. Take your child by the hand and meet first with your help. Explain to your child that you need to be able to listen, sympathize, empathize.
Visit friends with small children more often. Let the children communicate. Looking at your interactions with friends, the child will take an example. And a good example will only benefit him.