How To Get A 7-year-old To Obey

How To Get A 7-year-old To Obey
How To Get A 7-year-old To Obey

Seven years is an important stage in a child's life. Preschool childhood ends, there is a school ahead, new rights and responsibilities, new friends and hobbies. Mom and Dad are still the main people in his life, but their opinion gradually ceases to be the only true one for the child. Parents, on the other hand, sometimes simply do not notice.

A seven-year-old has interests
A seven-year-old has interests

Is it necessary to force?

It has long been proven that forceful methods in pedagogy are ineffective, even if we are not talking about physical punishment, but about psychological pressure. The younger preschooler can still come to terms with the fact that he is forced to do something against his will. The parents have enough strength to break his resistance. If this is a forced measure and is rarely used (for example, only in cases where the child needs to be treated or quickly removed from danger), nothing bad will happen. Constant pressure will lead to the fact that the adorable baby will turn into a creature broken by life, completely devoid of initiative.

The opposite option is also possible - a strong personality will be formed, capable of resisting any life situations, but the parents will not play any role in her life. A seven-year-old child already has enough strength to resist constant pressure from adults. Disobedience is one of the most vivid and active forms of such resistance.

How to avoid disobedience

The child resists when his parents overprotect him, do not allow him to show independence. The older preschooler can already do a lot. Determine the scope of his ongoing responsibilities. Perhaps he already goes to a circle, a sports school or a studio of aesthetic education. Your task is to provide him with conditions for training and send him to lessons and trainings on time. For homework, he should already be responsible for himself. Of course, you need to control, but do it discreetly.

In addition to educational, the child should have household chores. Cleaning the canary cage, watering the flowers, vacuuming the carpet in your room, tidying up your flower bed in the country - the list is far from complete. The child should feel that he is already big, that he can do things that are important to others. It may happen that the older preschooler forgets to do something. It is necessary not to force him, but to remind that others have suffered from his inaction: the canary may die, the flowers will wither, and it would be better not to walk on the carpet with bare feet.

The child has a mood too

Almost every person has moments when everything falls out of his hands. Children also have such moments. It is important for parents to understand this. Maybe the child had a falling out with his best friend or teacher, maybe he lost his favorite toy or the best book was gnawed by a dog. His troubles may seem like trifles to you, but for a preschooler or younger student, such troubles are very serious. Talk about it, sympathize, advise how to behave, because for him your opinion is still very important.

Learn to negotiate

In families where a relationship of trust has been established between adults and children, obedience problems usually do not occur. It simply does not occur to the child that it is possible to do something contrary to him, since all issues are discussed with him on an equal footing, his opinion is taken into account, the parents ask him for advice. It is important to keep agreements and keep promises. A seven-year-old child perfectly remembers both what he promised and what was promised to him. Having been deceived in his expectations, he ceases to perceive the words of an adult and does everything in spite of.
