Love can come unexpectedly, but someone has to wait for it all their life. It seems that she looks into the neighboring houses, but she constantly passes by yours, and you really want happiness. Many women are tormented by the question, is it possible to attract love into your life, just by wanting it?

Step 1
Choose a worthy object. It is advisable that it was someone from your inner circle, and not a famous artist. Falling in love with an idol is most often doomed to irresponsibility due to the specifics of the work of such people - they receive attention in excessive doses and simply are not able to reciprocate with every fan.
Step 2
Put a photo of your chosen one in a prominent place. Admire him! Indeed, how can you not fall in love with such a handsome man? Imagine how wonderful you will look next to. And he will surely be happy to become your man.
Step 3
Communicate with him more, find out all about his hobbies. If you have many common themes, then you will not have to feverishly figure out how to get his attention. Flirt, let him have no doubt that you like it.
Step 4
Refresh your look. Your potential lover has seen you more than a couple of times, so he probably studied your wardrobe well. Get ready to surprise him. Change your image: buy shoes with long stilettos, become a dazzling blonde and try on the role of a seductress.
Step 5
Ask him out on a date. Yes, take the first step. Is he confused and not sure what is right for you? It's okay, let him play along a little. Assure him that he is just a storehouse of merits, you have long wanted to have an easy affair with him, what's wrong with that?
Step 6
Notify all mutual acquaintances that you have started dating. Be together in public and you will notice that curious looks are studying you, and your friends are giggling nervously behind you. Happened! From the outside, your relationship is like falling in love. Or maybe it is so? One day you may suddenly realize that you really have tender feelings for a man and you no longer need to pretend.
Step 7
Remember that falling in love should be of interest to you first of all. Then you can captivate her and your chosen one. It doesn't matter if you have a flash of passion, or everything will be limited to a strong friendship. You will get the experience of a new relationship, which will surely come in handy in life.