Today, many men are in no hurry to get married and take responsibility for their families. But girls still dream of a white dress and beautiful rings in front of guests. Different opinions on marriage issues often interfere with the development of relations, but sometimes an indecisive man should only be pushed in the right direction, and life will turn out completely differently.

Step 1
First of all, decide if this is your man. Many women seek to get married instinctively, not realizing that marriage is a sacred union for life, which is not entered into with any partner. Imagine the ideal husband for you, his character, habits, appearance. Match the resulting image with your man and evaluate the matches. If there are few of them or none at all, then it is worth considering whether you need to marry him?
Step 2
Men are afraid of responsibility. Help him overcome this fear. Show that he lives with a self-reliant and self-sufficient personality. Do your best not to depend on him financially. Over time, the beloved will understand that he has nothing to fear, and in your possible family the responsibility will be shared equally.
Step 3
Show independence. Take care of yourself, go in for sports, dance, sign up for sewing courses - in general, live life to the fullest, not sitting waiting for him to come home. After realizing that you are comfortable enough and alone, any man will focus on finding ways to keep you close. If this does not happen and you each begin to live your own life - draw conclusions about the choice of a partner.
Step 4
Respect your loved one and share his interests. It is important for any man to be on top not only in society, but also at home. Show that you value and respect him. Sharing his interests will help you become his friend, an understanding person who can be there all his life.
Step 5
Generate interest in other men. A beautiful, confident woman always attracts attention. Do not be afraid of this, but also do not get carried away by flirting. Your loved one should see that you are attractive to outsiders as well. Don't make him jealous, let him be proud of you and your relationship.