Abdominal Prolapse Before Childbirth

Abdominal Prolapse Before Childbirth
Abdominal Prolapse Before Childbirth

How long has this most wonderful period in the life of every woman dragging on. Especially it begins to seem so in the last days, when it becomes difficult to walk, it is hard to breathe, it is almost impossible to do household chores and the expectant mother feels overweight and clumsy. In the ninth month of pregnancy, she begins to experience a feeling of anxiety before the upcoming birth, waits and prepares for an early meeting with the baby.

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth
Abdominal prolapse before childbirth

What does abdominal prolapse mean?

If you notice that it has become much easier to breathe, the ribs do not hurt so much, and the stomach goes down a little, then these are the harbingers of an imminent birth. The bottom of the uterus descends, and the body begins to prepare for the birth of a baby. But do not panic, this does not mean at all that childbirth will begin soon and it is time to go to the hospital. The tummy of primiparous begins to fall about two weeks before the upcoming birth. Abdominal prolapse may not be in advance if there was a childbirth earlier (second pregnancy). Most likely, this will happen at the stage of labor pains.


How to understand that the stomach has dropped?

It is not always possible to visually see the drooping of the tummy, but there are several other ways to determine this. For example, recently you were tormented by shortness of breath, pain in the right upper quadrant, heartburn, and now you have felt relief, and these symptoms have left you alone. Also, if you feel that a place has appeared between the abdomen and chest, where the palm is placed, it means that the bottom of the uterus has descended. But at the same time, a lot of pressure comes on the bladder and rectum, which causes frequent urge to go to the toilet.


Sagging belly

In the event that the pregnancy proceeded without complications and the woman is primiparous, then you can safely wait for the onset of childbirth. Get more rest, sleep, walk whenever possible. Check again the necessary things collected for the hospital, so as not to forget anything.

In no case should you strain too much, give up any physical activity. This can provoke premature labor. Do not risk your health, you need peace now, and you should not disturb your baby ahead of time.
