How And How Long Does The Cork Take Before Childbirth?

How And How Long Does The Cork Take Before Childbirth?
How And How Long Does The Cork Take Before Childbirth?

The separation of the mucous plug is an obvious sign of imminent labor, which indicates the beginning of the opening of the cervix. Consider how and for how much the cork leaves before childbirth.

How and how long does the cork take before childbirth?
How and how long does the cork take before childbirth?

It is believed that delivery after the separation of the cork remains to wait from two days to two weeks. In fact, the plug can come loose right before the start of the contractions, and a little earlier than two weeks before. And in most cases, that's okay too.

Several factors affect how long the cork takes before childbirth. But before talking about everything else, let us recall that this process is not always noticeable. Easier when the cork remains on the laundry. Otherwise, she may fall into the toilet or be flushed in the shower.

What is the pregnancy?

In primiparous women, the uterus opens slowly. The cork most often does not come out in the form of a dense formation of a characteristic shape, but in the form of one or more clots of mucus. Therefore, you can skip its appearance.

On the other hand, even fragments cannot be confused with other secretions: they are very sticky to the touch, thick and “marbled” in appearance. Small blood clots are acceptable - literally one or two drops.

Since the cork leaves before giving birth in primiparas slowly (in accordance with the rate of uterine opening), then the onset of labor after that will have to wait, most likely, for a long time.

Multiparous people are more likely to see a cork of a characteristic shape. It is more likely that the contractions will begin a couple of days after that, or in a matter of hours.

Were there any problems during pregnancy?

Repeated labor is usually faster, easier and more intense. It is also related to the speed of uterine dilatation and the quality of contractions. But if the pregnancy went with deviations, then this will affect both the course of childbirth and the course of the preparatory period, when the precursors appear.

  1. With polyhydramnios, labor can begin suddenly. The cork sometimes comes out with the outpouring of water and the onset of labor.
  2. With oligohydramnios, labor is often weak, but how and when the plug comes off depends on other factors. Harbingers with normal periods are likely to appear here, but the cork will most likely move away slowly.
  3. Leakage of amniotic fluid under means that the cork has already begun to collapse. In this case, it may come out much earlier and in an extremely fragmented way.
  4. If, during pregnancy, due to hypertonicity of the uterus, there was often a threat of miscarriage, the plug can come off very early. On the other hand, the uterus may open a little on its own (with the cork coming out), even if a planned cesarean section is due due to poor labor with hormonal problems.

Was contraction stimulation carried out?

Any stimulation of labor can affect the rate of release of the mucous plug.

  1. If a woman continues to have sex, and sperm gets on the cervix, then the hormone prostaglandin contained in it stimulates the softening of the cervix. It will begin to open faster, and you can also see the traffic jam earlier.
  2. Physical activity and excitement cause "training" contractions in the second and third trimester. Closer to the date of the alleged birth, they are more likely to cause their onset or the passage of the plug.
  3. By examining the cervix before childbirth, the gynecologist can intentionally or unintentionally damage (or remove) the plug. This is not always reported to the pregnant woman.
