The birth of a son or daughter is, of course, a great happiness. But do not forget that it is not enough to take care and provide proper care for the newborn, you also need to issue and receive his first, but no less important and necessary documents, for example, a birth certificate.

A child's birth certificate is a document on A4 form with a watermark and a serial number. Filling in the document is carried out both manually and using a typewriter or computer, always with black ink. A child's birth certificate confirms the fact of his birth, it serves as a document certifying his identity, citizenship and state registration with the registry office. In addition, when the child reaches the age of 14, a passport of the Russian Federation is issued on the basis of this document.
What data are indicated in the birth certificate
The form of the document indicates the surname, name and patronymic of the child and his parents, the place and date of his birth, the date of issue of the certificate and the place of its registration, data of the state body that issued it. In the case when the child is born out of wedlock or by a single mother, the name indicated by the mother of the baby is entered in the “patronymic” column.
Other information, for example, the nationality of the parents and the child, is entered on the birth certificate only if the parents wish.
How and where to get a birth certificate
The child's birth certificate is issued by the state registration office (registry office) at the place of residence of the parents and the baby. To issue a certificate, it is necessary to provide a package of documents established by law, which includes a certificate from the medical institution where the birth took place, a statement from the parents, their passports, and a marriage certificate. If the parents are not married, they must come to the registry office together to write a joint application, or one of them must provide a power of attorney to receive a document from the absent person.
To receive the child's first document, 2 months are given from the date of his birth. If, within the timeframe established by the legislation, the parents did not apply to the relevant authorities and did not issue a certificate, without explaining the reasons, they are imposed a monetary fine for violating the rules for registering individuals.
How long it takes to produce a birth certificate is explained to parents at the place of its registration and issuance. In most cases, the document is issued on the day of application, no later than an hour after the application is submitted. After the first and main document of the baby has been received, you can proceed to registration of his registration in the passport office at the place of residence of the parents, a health insurance policy and a pension certificate.