A birth certificate is a document certifying the fact of the birth of a child and the state registration of this event in the Civil Registry Book. The form of the Russian birth certificate has changed several times in recent years. Since 2012, the appearance, the procedure for drawing up and issuing a certificate are subject to new standards.

A birth certificate is the main document of a child until he reaches the age of 14, in which a general passport is issued. In the Russian Federation, until this time, birth certificates are considered the only documents proving the identity of children. What does a birth certificate look like today? What document regulates the procedure for its issuance?
Appearance of the certificate
In 2012, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation developed new rules and the form of a birth certificate, now they are regulated by Order No. 1687n of 2011-27-12. Today, the Russian birth certificate is issued on a special light green form with watermarks. Each certificate has a series and a unique number.
The certificate indicates the most important information necessary for the unambiguous identification of the child, namely:
• his surname, name and patronymic;
• date and place of his birth;
• surnames, first names, patronymics, citizenship and nationality of the parents.
In addition, the certificate contains information about the date and number of the birth certificate, the place of state registration, as well as the date of its issue. Each certificate is certified by the signature of the head of the registry office and supplied with a round official seal.
How can you get a certificate?
Before the mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital, the head nurse hands the childbirth certificate to the woman in labor. It is this document that must be presented to the specialists of the registry office so that they draw up a birth certificate. Today, it is issued for each child who, having been born alive, weighed at least 500 grams and had a height of at least 25 cm. In addition, childbirth had to take place no earlier than 22 weeks.
These norms significantly increase the number of babies for whom a medical birth certificate is issued. According to the rules, the document is handed over to the parents of the child, if they are absent or impossible to do, to other relatives. Another authorized person can also receive a certificate. To do this, he will need documents proving the identity of at least one of the parents, the identity of the principal and documents confirming his authority to perform such actions.
The birth certificate is sometimes filled in according to the mother's words. Moreover, if any information necessary for reflection in the document remains unknown, a dash is placed on the form in the place provided for their introduction. The surname of the child is assigned the same as that of both parents. If the baby's father is not in a registered marriage with his mother, the child will be assigned the mother's surname. When filling out the certificate, you can only make one mistake, otherwise it will have to be redone again.