15 weeks is the period during which you can already catch the first movements of the baby. A rounded tummy becomes noticeable to others. Early toxicosis ends, morning nausea passes, nutritional problems, mood swings and tearfulness begin.

Step 1
The body of the fetus is more and more elongated, its size from the tailbone to the crown is about 10 cm, and its weight is on average 70 g. The limbs are lengthened, the legs become longer than the arms. The head no longer looks so large relative to the body. The handles move actively, the baby can clench and unclench its fists and actively pushes. On the ultrasound, you can watch the baby suck the thumb.
Step 2
The fetal brain is actively developing. It becomes similar to a walnut - grooves and convolutions appear, its size increases. The central nervous system begins to exercise control over the entire body. The organs of the endocrine system begin to work - the adrenal glands and the thymus gland. The bone marrow is being formed, the network of blood vessels grows. The gallbladder begins to secrete bile, the sebaceous and sweat glands function, the kidneys are actively working.
Step 3
The fetus at this time is covered with thin transparent skin, through which blood vessels are visible. On the head, the fluff that covers the body becomes thicker, pigment begins to be produced that dyes the hair. The ears can pick up sounds, the baby is already able to recognize the mother's voice.
Step 4
The eyelids of the fetus are still closed at 15 weeks, but he can now feel the light. At this time, it is already possible to determine the sex of the child, if, of course, he turns around in the right angle. The external genital organs are already practically formed, the internal ones are still developing.
Step 5
At this time, the fetus already feels the mood of the mother, so you need to try to lead a calm lifestyle, not get nervous, listen to melodic music. Mom's nutrition should be balanced. 15 week is the best period for the analysis of amniotic fluid, on the basis of which it is judged about the presence or absence of defects in the fetus, about its blood group, and about gender. This test is usually recommended for women with a negative blood type or genetic condition.