Quite often, leaving after a quarrel is provoked not by the desire to break off the relationship, but by strong negative emotions or resentment. In fact, a person does not want to part, he leaves the place of conflict only in order not to bring the intensity of passions to the chapel.

Step 1
Very often people leave during an argument just to keep the relationship alive. They give themselves and their partner time to cool down and think about whether the conflict of parting with a dear person is worth it. It is not worth prolonging the period of reflection. The partner may decide that you are ears for good and do not plan to return. It is better to discuss the problem the next day. Then it will be clear that you value the relationship and left only to keep it.
Step 2
During an argument, watch what you say. Harsh words addressed to your partner, humiliation, listing of his physical disabilities will not leave you a chance to return. Resentment will be stronger than the desire to be with a person who is able to say such harsh words to the closest one. There is no confidence that there will be no more conflicts. And the partner will definitely not want to listen to nasty things every time.
Step 3
Do not mention your partner's relatives and friends during a conflict. He will protect loved ones to the last and is unlikely to forgive you that you offended them. The two of you are trying to figure out the relationship, so do not drag in third parties.
Step 4
Do not say during a quarrel the words - "parting", "divorce", "I'm leaving forever", etc. They block your return. Even if you realize the next day that the conflict was a mistake, and everything can be solved, the fact that you said these words may prevent you from talking with your partner again. You’ll think you’ll be considered weak if you changed your mind so quickly.
Step 5
If you live together, do not pack up in the heat of an argument. This is another factor that will keep you from coming back. At the level of psychology, it will be just too lazy to drag the bags back and put everything in its place. Just think about the fact that if you decide the next day that the relationship is over, you will come back and take your things. And if you understand that you need to put up, nothing will prevent this.