What Guys Think About On Dates

What Guys Think About On Dates
What Guys Think About On Dates

Just as there are no identical girls, there are no identical guys, each of them always has different thoughts and different views on life in their heads. That is why it is worth presenting to you several options for the development and train of thought during dates with different men.

What guys think about on dates
What guys think about on dates

First date and thoughts of a man

Some girls at least once in their lives wondered what men think about on a date. Some ladies found the answer for themselves, many thought they knew it in advance, but nevertheless, thousands of women were mistaken in their reasoning on this issue, since, in the opinion of most of them, guys always think about only one thing: how to drag a girl as soon as possible to bed.

What are guys really thinking?

To understand the thoughts of guys during the first date, it is worth dividing the representatives of the stronger sex into several types.

A man who is not too confident in himself. He immediately begins to think about how he looks, whether everything is in order with his appearance, and immediately begins to think that his companion did not like him. Perhaps such a guy is trying to come up with the right words, constantly hatches a plan of how to take a woman by the hand, in his head this is the first action to get closer, he thinks that these manipulations will relax him and his beautiful companion. Because of his lack of self-confidence and because of infrequent relationships with girls, he thinks to prove to the whole world that he is not such a loser and that he is currently with a beautiful person. At this moment, he is too proud of himself.

In the deep dreams of such a man, there is a desire to be with this lady in bed on the same evening, but weighing everything carefully, he draws pessimistic conclusions that he can expect a kiss goodbye as much as possible.

The man is stingy. This is a special kind, he only thinks about how to keep his wallet intact. In addition, in his head he scrolls a plan on how to dissolve a woman so that she treats him or somewhere to pay for him. He thinks about grandiose shenanigans in his thoughts on how to get his benefit out of a date.

A confident man. Such a representative of the stronger sex does not think about what other people will think about him, his thoughts during a date are often about extraneous matters, problems at work or with friends. When he does not think about his problems, he has thoughts of listening to the interlocutor, but often he finds this occupation boring and only pretends to listen to her. He does not think about how to drag a woman into bed, for him this is not a primary matter.

First of all, he thinks about whether a girl is right for him, reflects on her pros and cons, and what she can hide.

A man in love. He does not think about himself, his primary thoughts are the object of his adoration, he every second thinks about how to please his beloved woman, often his thoughts reach fanatical ideas. The main thoughts of such a man are arguments about how happy he is and what a wonderful companion he has.
