They say that you can tell a lot about a person if you analyze his appearance. Each woman can determine some of the characteristics of a man's character, if desired, especially when it comes to establishing love relationships. What can a man's hands tell about?

Long fingers, beautiful wrists, noble narrow palms indicate that a man has a high intellect, aesthetic taste, is attentive to details, sensitive and sensual. These are the hands that heartthrobs have. Long fingers indicate that such a man is most likely an excellent lover, but will not remain faithful to his woman. His sensuality is on the surface, and will attract the attention of competitors.
Particular attention should be paid to the ring finger: the longer it is, the more passionate a man is sexually, but the more chances that a man is a hopeless womanizer and will cheat on his wife.
A long index finger speaks of intolerance of disagreement and authoritarianism of its owner, a tendency to tyranny and abuse of power, unhealthy ambitions and secret vices. This is especially true for those whose index finger is equal in length to the middle or longer than it. A long middle finger can indicate negativism, misanthropy, disgust.
A long little finger may indicate a gift of persuasion and oratorical ability, but at the same time - and a tendency to psychological sadism, malice, mental cruelty.
In addition, those with thin long fingers are prone to melancholy, mild autism, have a fine nervous organization, and may become depressed.
Short fingers speak of savvy and practicality. But too short - about laziness, about a tendency to physical violence, susceptibility to animal instincts, rudeness - both physical and moral.
Too short an index finger can indicate irresponsibility in deciding important issues, a shy character, sexually shyness, secrecy and internal aggressiveness. Too short middle finger indicates frivolity and lack of spiritual strength. Such a person will always work for someone, and is unlikely to be able to run a business on his own, but he will obey his wife and, with a certain attitude towards him, will become a quiet home henpecked.
A short ring finger speaks not only about fidelity in marriage, about sexual constancy, but also about the fact that a man does not have high potency, and is not able to turn the marital bed into an abode of pleasure.
In addition, fingers that are too short may indicate a low level of emotionality and spirituality, about intellectual inconsistency, or, more simply, about the stupidity of their owner.