Girls love generous men who look after them beautifully and give gifts. Moreover, it does not matter at all how expensive the donated item will cost, if only it was a sign of attention. However, some men prefer to save all their money and refuse to spend on their lady.

Mercantileness is probably the worst human quality that can be. Many girls call a greedy man, they are stingy, and, alas, this is true. Before starting a relationship with such a person, consider whether you can give up something for the sake of his principles. A man can be prompted to greed, for example, by his masculine selfishness, mentality or strict parenting.
Why are men greedy?
Sometimes men become greedy due to some past circumstances, for example, poverty or a constant lack of something in the past. Before reproaching a man for this shortcoming, ask him if he needed something earlier. But not only this can be the reason for the commercialism of character, there are often men whose ancestors died of hunger, so he knows firsthand what the shortage of things, food and other things means.
There are also such men who always collect something, save up for something or are passionate about some business.
Another factor in male greed is that he may not be confident enough in you. But this happens quite often at the initial stage of a relationship. And all because he thinks that you are not his girlfriend in life, and he does not want to spend money on you. But not everyone thinks about the consequences of such thoughts.
Complexes, too, often become the reason for such a terrible behavior of a man. Many depressing thoughts can affect the psyche of a man, but those who have already created something worthwhile do not suffer from this in their lives.
Is it worth forgiving a man's greed?
If you have chosen a greedy man, this can be a big advantage for you in some way. Since it is he who will help you correctly plan your family budget.
After a certain period, the budget situation will improve, and you will not need anything.
It is much more difficult to deal with complexes, because it is a rather laborious and lengthy process. Talk to your man more often about how good he is and show attention to him in every possible way. On the other hand, turn into a capricious "milady" and fully achieve what you desire. Your young man will not understand what is happening to you, and he will have no other choice but to provide you with everything you want. In any case, it is insanely difficult to deal with the psychology of a man. Or maybe your man just doesn't know how to look after girls? Then just sit down and tell him what you don't like.
Forgive those man his greed, because perhaps over time you will be able to get rid of it.