Any woman dreams of finding and conquering a suitable life partner. If in a man you are primarily attracted by reliability and predictability, the comfort of a home and unhurried games of monopoly after a hearty dinner, then a Taurus man is the one you need.

It is necessary
- cookbook
- Romantic CDs
- Refrigerator with food
- Monopoly
- Blankets
Step 1
To conquer a Taurus man, first of all, you must sincerely love to cook, since you will have to cook often and in large quantities. Moreover, the more beautiful the dishes and serving, the more Taurus will appreciate it.
Step 2
Never argue with a Taurus man. To win his favor forever, you need to be gentle. Show with all your appearance that his opinion is dear and meaningful to you. Let him feel your support in everything. And if you still want to change something in him, talk about it as tactfully as possible.
Step 3
Most importantly, stay faithful to the calf. Men of this sign are jealous and will not forgive betrayal.