People born under the constellation Capricorn have a stubborn and persistent character. Is it easy to get the hand and heart of a woman born under this zodiac sign?

Capricorn women are emotional creatures, and it is difficult to find a scandalous screaming lady among them. They are also characterized by dreaminess, ambition and determination. Often among Capricorns you can find patient and domineering people, such people will never forgive infidelity. People born under this sign have an iron character, while deep in their souls they are vulnerable. Capricorns are calculating and financially independent. This is a short portrait of a Capricorn woman.
How to find an approach to such a person? First, a potential partner should be open-minded. Capricorns do not like introverted men. Straightness is also characteristic of Capricorn women. If you like a relaxed lifestyle, then it is better to bypass your passion. Capricorns, as a rule, are energetic and active, and sitting still without development is definitely unacceptable for them. Capricorns are amorous and at the same time they very quickly become attached to their partner, because the family for Capricorn is in the first place in the list of life priorities.
Capricorns are purposeful and responsible, therefore, as a rule, they quickly achieve great success in their careers or business. Next to her, a Capricorn woman will definitely not want to see a man who does not want to develop.
Capricorns are very fond of unexpected surprises and extreme sports. Therefore, do not be afraid to invite a girl to a paintball game or a ski vacation.
If we talk about astrology, then the best choice for a Capricorn girl will be a man born under the sign of Scorpio or Cancer, but union with Gemini will not work, although most Capricorns have had unsuccessful relationships with Gemini at least once in their lives.
Good luck in winning hearts!