When you realize that your new acquaintance is the very person you have been waiting for a meeting with, this can be reflected in your behavior. You are worried and worried more than usual, trying to impress him, you can make mistakes, behave stupidly and unnaturally, getting lost from just one sound of his voice. Try to pull yourself together and start behaving when he is around, calmly and with dignity.

Step 1
Your excitement and nervous behavior is understandable: you do not want to lose him, and what he likes, you still do not know, so he throws you from one extreme to another. And here the first piece of advice will be to calm down and take a closer look at your chosen one. If you do not fuss, you can calmly talk to him, make an impression about him. Talk less, but let him speak, ask leading questions and draw conclusions. A pleasant companion is a quality that almost all men appreciate.
Step 2
Overcome your fears and insecurities, you should be guided by a feeling of love, especially love for yourself. Feel like a person worthy of attention, and your boyfriend will feel it too. Be confident in yourself, but without arrogance and aplomb. Stay natural and don't tune in - don't laugh where you are not. If you don't like something, say it gently.
Step 3
Give the initiative to the man. Some girls prefer to take it upon themselves, on a date they themselves suggest topics, pop incessantly, talking about themselves and their friends. Any man will be pleased when you trust him. He himself should entertain you and try not to pause in the conversation. The more he tries to please you, the more valuable your relationship will be to him.
Step 4
Even if you tend to be a little eccentric in behavior, try to do without it on first dates. You may simply not be understood. Don't talk or laugh too loudly, this can also be repulsive. A quiet, deep, moving voice can captivate any man.
Step 5
And do not put on a large amount of cosmetics, perfume. Dress comfortably and modestly. Choose the shoes and clothes in which you will feel comfortable without straightening them every minute. Natural, well-groomed beauty and calm, friendly demeanor are more likely to attract the one you dreamed of.