Outwardly, men seem to be stronger than women. They are used to hiding and restraining their emotions, trying not to show it when they are very upset or upset. Endurance is a valuable quality of a man, but one should not forget about the price at which external equanimity is given to him. A loving woman who cherishes a man's peace of mind will never forget to cheer up her beloved, no matter how bravely he meets difficulties.

Step 1
No wonder it is said that we all come from childhood. It was then that the foundations of education are laid and boys are taught to restrain tears and feelings, to behave courageously. But even at this age, any baby can find support in the encouraging touch of the mother. As psychologists have found out, most men feel the need to feel the touch of a woman in difficult times. Do not neglect this magical remedy if you see that your man is upset, but is not yet ready to discuss his problem with you, just touch him more often.
Step 2
Do not ignore his bad mood, depressed and gloomy appearance. Do not meddle with annoying questions, but make it clear that you are worried about his condition and you are not indifferent to his problems. Express your willingness to listen to him when he is ready to share with you. Behave calmly, without panic, with all your behavior demonstrate that you believe in him and firmly know that he will cope with difficulties.
Step 3
When he can tell you about his problems, listen carefully. Even if you thought so, you should not say that this is nothing, start joking about it. If he is very worried, then this is not a trifle for him, but everything is very serious. So treat the problem. Listen and ask him to give you time to think about the situation, show that you share his concerns.
Step 4
After a while, offer him your own solution to the problem, but do not insist on it, let him make his own choice. Your participation and care is the dearest support for him. Tell him that no matter how the circumstances are, you always love him and accept any of his decisions. He must be sure that he has a reliable rear and a loving girlfriend, ready to support him in any case. Such confidence will give him additional strength and he, for sure, will come out the winner, gratefully noting your participation in his triumph.