It often happens that a loved one comes home from work out of sorts, grumbles, frowns and strives to retire. Unpleasant situation. The mood of the family begins to deteriorate and a scandal may even break out. To prevent this from happening, you can defuse the situation by cheering your soul mate.

Step 1
To begin with, feed the chosen one, keeping in mind his gastronomic preferences. Most representatives of the strong half of humanity love hearty meat dishes, although there are also sweet lovers among them. In any case, hurry to the kitchen to surprise your beloved soon with a skillfully prepared chop or pies. Or simply fry a nice piece of pork and garnish it with fresh vegetables and herbs. In any case, remember that hardly anyone is able to have fun on an empty stomach.
Step 2
Play your man's favorite piece of music. Nice music can touch the soul strings of even the most brutal guy. It's even better if your loved one agrees to watch a humorous series or comedy. Try persuading him to go to the movies with you, or just play a movie he likes at home.
Step 3
Think of a funny incident from your life or a story from your shared past. It is possible that your photo album even contains these historical frames. If so, watch them together, most likely pleasant and funny memories will switch your chosen one in a positive way. If you have a talent for storytelling, please your loved one with a couple of new anecdotes.
Step 4
One of the most common ways to cheer up is to go to a restaurant or cafe, where, in a pleasant company over a good glass of wine, a man tired of his daily routine will relax and cheer up.
Step 5
Finally, address the intimate side of your relationship. Perhaps you know his erotic preferences and fantasies. Try to bring one of them to life. Or just arrange a romantic dinner for two, light candles, put on beautiful lingerie, give your lover a relaxing massage. Such an evening will not leave him indifferent, and his mood will improve.