The art of loving another person implies not only personal pleasure from the emotions experienced, but also the ability to make your other half feel moral and physical satisfaction in a relationship. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to break yourself to please the partner or demand any changes from him. The best helpers for women who dream of learning how to love men correctly will be only two main points - understanding and affection.

Respect for his independence
Of course, you want to spend as much free time as possible with your loved one. But the art of love also implies respect for someone else's personal space. Therefore, you do not need to stifle your partner with care and attention if he wants to be alone with himself. Give him the opportunity to read a book alone or tinker in the garage without looking there every five minutes.
The same goes for your man's meetings with friends. From time to time, he has the right to relax without you in a male company, however, just like you can get out somewhere with your girlfriends. Of course, we are not talking about regular binges, repeated every week. But if you have already let your chosen one go to a meeting with friends, you do not need to pester him with phone calls, torment him with jealousy and suspicion. On the contrary, by remaining calm and calm, you demonstrate your love and trust to the man.
Competent construction of your dialogue
Women need conversations much more than men. They tend to voice their problems, while the stronger sex prefers to silently think about the situation. Therefore, upon learning that your chosen one had a bad day or some trouble happened, do not insist on discussing them if he is not in the mood for dialogue. Give him time to sort out himself, and, perhaps, soon your man himself will come into contact.
Don't make it difficult for him to understand you better. It is better to tell directly about your desires and needs, since the sterner sex often lacks discernment. Another important rule for building the right dialogue is the ability to listen to your partner. Try to understand his words, not trying to seize the initiative in your conversation. Men, as a rule, rarely have moments of revelation. The more valuable these moments are, and the woman's respect for them brings two loving people closer together.
Avoiding any form of humiliation
There is nothing worse on the part of a woman than to make her man feel pathetic and worthless. Therefore, true love and humiliation are mutually exclusive factors. Try not to utter the phrase so hateful for the stronger sex: "I told you so!" Because true concern for a man is expressed in compassion for him, and not in the desire to make him feel like a fool.
Also, avoid publicly criticizing your partner, even if the act is really stupid, wrong, or terrible. Perhaps your chosen one himself admits that he was mistaken, but it is better to discuss his actions in private than to humiliate him in front of other people.
Abandoning the desire to change it

If you truly love a man, then you will not try to change him. Of course, some kind of metamorphosis can occur with people in relationships, but they are usually natural. And pressure or ultimatums will only make your partner feel like they're not good enough for you. Of course, you can work with some of his qualities, but in general, learn to accept a man in his original form.
Ability to admit your mistakes
It is sometimes difficult for people to step over their pride and admit their own wrong. But that kind of honesty is essential for a harmonious relationship. Yes, perhaps you will destroy your ideal image in the eyes of your partner, and at the same time it is foolish to try to look perfect in front of him, when such people simply do not exist in nature. Therefore, by remaining honest with a man, you show him your love and respect.
Affectionate words and gestures

You don't need to think that a man knows about the strength of your feelings if you rarely reinforce them with outward manifestations of love. At least sometimes compliment your chosen one, share the happy emotions that you experience in his presence. Oftentimes, simple touches and caring gestures say more than words. Therefore, do not hesitate to once again hug and kiss your beloved man, gently touch his hair or hand. Of course, you don't need to be too intrusive, but you shouldn't underestimate the importance of tactile sensations in a love game either.
Ability to support
Sometimes a woman has to become the main cheerleader and inspirer of her man. If he is experiencing some kind of failure, there is no need to stand aside. On the one hand, respect his desire to find a solution without outside help. On the other hand, showing your love and care, say something encouraging, support, make your chosen one feel stronger and more confident.
Recognizing the importance of sex

Don't overshadow the sexual side of your relationship. Of course, in couples who are together for a long time, intimate life can turn into a routine and boring duty. But sometimes it’s worth adding a new edge to it by arranging some new and unusual adventure for the two of you. Sex for men is an important manifestation of love, so learn to get real pleasure from your intimacy and do not be afraid to ask your partner to help you along the way.
Otherwise, the woman turns into a mother for him, who is more busy with the everyday services of the second half than with the sensual side of the relationship. And your chosen one should see in you, first of all, an object of love and desire.
Maintaining a degree of relationship
If you want to love a man and feel his reciprocity, don't let your relationship turn into a stagnant swamp. Dress up for him, arrange cute surprises, add variety to your sex life. Do not stop in your development, be sure to connect your chosen one to this process. Then it will be interesting and good for you together for many years.