To become needed by people, you need to learn to understand them. In their needs, desires, anticipate their behavior, understand their strengths and weaknesses, find the most correct approaches and ultimately achieve from them what you ultimately need.

Step 1
Before you establish contact with a person, you need to be ready for this. If you are unsociable, wary and distrustful, you will not be able to create a comfortable environment around you, in which people themselves want to be. To create comfort, you just need to practice creating your own inner mood. Observe who other people are most often attracted to? To those who radiate light and warmth. Imagine that you have a small flashlight lit up inside you. You will see how even strangers will feel that they want to communicate with you, that it is interesting and safe with you. This will already remove the suspicion between you.
Step 2
However, by opening your inner world and inviting you to communicate, learn to protect it so that your openness and goodwill do not make others want to take advantage of you. The inner light will not only attract people, but will also allow you to be always in a good mood and keep a clear head, which means it will help direct communication with other people in the right direction.
Step 3
Let your inner world be in harmony with your actions. It is very difficult to deceive people and if you have inconsistent behavior, they simply cannot trust you. Therefore, before convincing someone of the correctness of their thoughts and actions. Convince yourself first. If you are sincere about what you are convinced of, you will take leadership positions, and people will follow you because they need to be led by such people.
Step 4
Get into the position of another person. Look at the situation through his eyes. People who have empathy know how to get used to the state of another person, easily establish deep contact with him. Understanding the feelings and experiences of another person, you will create a unique atmosphere of mutual understanding, which is sometimes lacking.
Step 5
Learn to listen to other people. And not pretend that you are listening, but really listen with interest.
Step 6
Become the person you can rely on. Everyone prefers to deal only with reliable people. A reliable person is the one who, when proposing some kind of business, sets out the situation clearly, speaks politely, does not say anything that can humiliate or hurt. He does not interrupt and listens carefully to his interlocutors and accepts them as they are.
Step 7
When you develop such qualities in yourself, every person who knows you will want to communicate with you, because you will become the right person for him.