7 Men's Wardrobe Items That Annoy Women

7 Men's Wardrobe Items That Annoy Women
7 Men's Wardrobe Items That Annoy Women

When it comes to fashion and style, most men think they look great. However, this is often not the case. Short shorts paired with striped socks may not cause any dislike from friends. But this does not mean at all that women think the same.

Men's wardrobe
Men's wardrobe

What things should be excluded from your wardrobe and, in any case, not to wear, for example, on a date with a girl? What mistakes should men try to avoid in their clothes?

1. White socks or socks with sandals

Many men, unfortunately, do not attach much importance to what socks they are wearing. Meanwhile, choosing the wrong accessory can completely ruin the impression of even the most expensive and stylish clothes.

For example, designers recommend that men wear white socks only with tracksuits. In all other cases, such an accessory will most likely look simply ridiculous.

The same goes for the socks worn under the sandals. Perhaps this combination to some men seems somewhat hooligan and quite stylish. However, women usually hate socks with sandals.

In any case, do not wear socks under the sandals, complete with short shorts. And even more so with this combination, you should try not to pull your socks too high. This may seem to others not only ridiculous, but even just ridiculous.

2. Old jeans with drawn knees

Many men like to wear the same jeans they are used to for a long time. With this kind of wear, the knees usually begin to stretch in cheap models within a few weeks after purchase.

It is imperative to keep track of your favorite jeans in this regard. Drawn knees are always very noticeable. At the same time, they annoy most women even more than white socks. These jeans look not just ugly, but extremely sloppy.

Lovers of not getting out of the same pants for a long time should first of all attend to the purchase of a rather expensive model. In any case, when choosing jeans for long-term wear, you should make sure that the fabric from which they are sewn does not contain elastin.


3. Very short shorts

According to many women, in shorts above the knee, any, even the sexiest man, looks very ridiculous. Most women associate such clothes with women. Therefore, men who choose such an image seem non-sexual to women, and their short shorts seem ridiculous.

4. Too tight jeans

Such clothes annoy women for the same reason - according to the majority of the fair sex, it looks ridiculous. The legs of men in jeans that are too tightly covered, unfortunately, like short shorts, are somewhat reminiscent of women.

Of course, you shouldn't give up tight pants altogether. But when buying such jeans, you still need to make sure that they do not fit too tightly on your legs. The appearance of men in tight pants that do not show their legs, by the way, to many women, by the way, seems to be quite attractive and sexy.


5. Hoodies on adult men

Many men find such clothes very comfortable and practical. However, according to women, sweatshirts look appropriate and attractive only on young guys. Adult men in such clothes look, according to the fair sex, too "childish" and this is quite striking.

Especially ugly sweatshirts, according to many women, are combined with regular trousers. Therefore, if someone has decided to wear such comfortable clothes, it is worth wearing them only with jeans.

6. Backpacks

This accessory is also usually very disliked by women in a masculine look. And if a young guy can somehow forgive a backpack behind his back, then on an older man, in the opinion of the fair sex, he looks ridiculous and funny. As in a sweatshirt, a grown man with a backpack looks too childish.

A backpack might look good on a young guy. However, in this case, it should only be worn with sportswear. At the same time, you do not need to choose a backpack that is too small. With jeans, even for young people, as women believe, such an accessory gives the look of a schoolboy, which looks unattractive.

7. Baggy or too tight suits

The suit can certainly be considered one of the most stylish and sexy pieces of men's wardrobe. Therefore, it is worth choosing such clothes as carefully as possible. Most women believe that a suit on a man should fit just perfectly.

When buying such clothes, you should first of all make sure that the jacket fits well in the shoulders. Also, when choosing a suit, be sure to button up all the buttons, clench your hand into a fist, slip it between your shirt and jacket and try to unclench it. If this does not work out, you should look for a more free model.


The same applies to those cases when under the jacket can fit not only a fist, but, for example, someone's head. Such a suit in the future, when worn, will certainly look baggy.
