People are sometimes rude to each other, and if a guy is rude to you, this does not mean at all that he is a bad person, he just has his own specific manner of communication.

Why is the guy rude
If a young man speaks rudely towards you, you must figure out what is the reason for this behavior. Very often rudeness is the result of improper upbringing. The man grew up in a difficult family atmosphere, the parents communicated with each other in a raised voice and in a rude manner, therefore, the representative of the stronger sex simply does not know how to speak differently.
The second reason for male rudeness is an attempt to attract your attention. In life, you have probably heard a lot of flattery and various compliments, but male rudeness is something new. Girls like bad guys, so some of them choose this tactic.
The third reason may be non-reciprocal sympathy. If a guy likes you, but he understands that you are paying attention to other men, he will most likely be rude to you. This is all due to low self-esteem and feelings of resentment.
What to do if a guy is rude
If your boyfriend treats you rudely, you should first talk to him calmly and find out the reason for this behavior. As soon as you become aware of what affects the way he communicates, explain to the man that you need to communicate with girls in a different way. Let him know that you don't like the way he talks to you, and if not, threaten to end the relationship. If a young man values you and your feelings, he will certainly try to correct his mistakes.
Some girls try to respond to rudeness with the same coin, but this is not recommended. You should not stoop to the low level of your interlocutor and become like him. Be above that. Try to treat his rude words indifferently, and even better, if you react to rudeness with a warm smile. Most likely, the guy will be embarrassed, so he will try to make amends and apologize to you.
If all else fails, and the man remains a boor, you should think about whether you need such a relationship, whether you are able to continue to endure such an insignificant treatment with you. Love yourself and don't let anyone wipe their feet on you. Your self-esteem should not suffer just because there is an ill-mannered youth next to you. Cut off contact with him and try to find yourself a more worthy life partner who can make you happy in the future.