Men are naturally polygamous. It manifests itself in the need to have relationships with several women, and a representative of the stronger sex may love one lady, but will have a connection with another.

Even the most respectable men, with a strong family, happy marriage and even children, can cheat on their soulmates, and it's not even a lack of love for their spouse. In fact, the first reason for this behavior lies in the substitution of needs. People tend to have their own specific needs, which are expressed in the desire for self-improvement, career growth and success in life. If a representative of the stronger sex is dissatisfied with work, he will think that people do not take him seriously, and his wife no longer respects. To get at least some recognition in society, he tries to assert himself at the expense of another woman, although he can love his soul mate.
The second reason for cheating without feelings for his mistress is the lack of parental love in childhood. If your husband's parents did not indulge in attention, he did not know affection and tenderness, in an older age he will lack attention from only one woman. He will become an insidious seducer, in search of love and warmth from various girls. And it will always seem to him that the ladies around him are giving him too little love.
The third reason for adultery on the part of a loving man lies in his age. It is not for nothing that people say such a phrase as "gray hair in the head, devil in the rib." With the achievement of forty years of age, some men begin to sharply feel the approach of old age, and yet they so want to try all the temptations of life that they could not afford in their youth. The first thing that men of this age usually decide on is a relationship on the side. Representatives of the stronger sex are trying in every way to catch up without wasting time. The most interesting thing is that they do not care at all about the women with whom they sleep. The process itself and the realization that they are able to seduce beautiful ladies are important to them.
The fourth reason lies not even in the man, but in his wife. The fact is that with age, women begin to cool down towards their partner, they do not want intimacy. They get too tired of household chores, everyday problems and raising children. With the onset of evening, the wives go to bed exhausted, ignoring the needs of the husband. Men, unfortunately, have no choice but to commit adultery, although in fact they experience tremulous feelings of love for their wife.