You have learned (or suspect) that your husband has a mistress. Well, this can happen to anyone, no matter how lovers the spouses look, and how beautiful the woman herself is. However, despite all your "evidence", the husband stubbornly denies.

- - notebook;
- - pencil;
- - spy books.
Step 1
Male adventures "to the left" are less dangerous than female ones. The fact is that a man can change only for the reason that he wants to diversify his sex life, to try himself with a new partner. As a rule, these are fleeting hobbies that quickly pass. However, one should not relax.
Step 2
Try to be honest with your husband. Find out what worries him, how he treats you. Perhaps the reason is not at all in his mistress and she is not at all, he just needs your attention. Pay more attention to your spouse, talk to him, go somewhere together as often as possible. Get closer to each other and thoughts of cheating will go away.
Step 3
You will be on your guard, if you still suspect treason, pay attention to the little things. Be wary if your husband leaves for a few hours on weekends. Leaves on a business trip several times in the winter, and once in the summer, for a long time. He began to give gifts, although he never did so. Often delayed at work.
Step 4
Watch him, and not from time to time, but constantly. Schedule his late night work delays. It is possible that you will notice some pattern. Remember the days on which he is overly concerned about how he looks. And when he comes home he doesn't want to have dinner.
Step 5
Chat with his work colleagues, friends, because they may know more than you. Co-workers may accidentally drop a word or throw an ambiguous, sidelong glance. Hire a private investigator if you are not capable of tracking yourself. Fortunately, there are plenty of such specialists now.
Step 6
Do not get hung up on the fact that your husband is cheating on you. Perhaps you do not know or do not see something, or you have come up with something for yourself. Try to figure it out on your own, and only then bring charges.