It's no secret that sincere conversations are a huge rarity in family life. They practically do not happen, since family life, in fact, is a routine. It is almost impossible to catch spouses talking about what each of them thinks or feels. However, the problem is that the man doesn't think about anything. For him staying up late at work can be quite normal, and he will never think that this could alert his wife. But in vain. Very much in vain, because this is always the first bell by which the wife determines whether she should worry or not.

Step 1
If you still suspect your husband and decide to turn to a private detective, then remember that you need a professional in his field. This means that you cannot go to the first bureau that comes across: search, ask around, look for tips on the Internet, since it is almost impossible to figure out who is the best.
Step 2
Even if you have found a sufficiently respected and serious professional, do not run to him right away, but weigh again whether you do not trust your husband so much that you are ready to pay a fairly round sum for the services of a detective. After all, private detectives do not take children's sums at all.
Step 3
Specify the smallest details of the conditions and provide the detective with as much information as possible about your spouse so that your detective does not make unfortunate hasty conclusions without knowing any details.