Cheating on the husband, as a rule, hurts the spouse painfully. An exception can only be those marriages in which the partners have agreed on a free, non-binding relationship to each other. But there are very few such families in our country, much more than those in which marital fidelity is taken for granted, and betrayal causes many problems for the participants in the love triangle.

Before sounding the alarm, make sure: whether your husband is really cheating. Calmly analyze: on the basis of what facts did you conclude that your spouse is unfaithful to you? Perhaps his guilt is unsubstantiated or has weak evidence. If acquaintances, girlfriends, colleagues, etc., hinted to you about your husband's infidelity, but you yourself do not notice anything suspicious in your spouse's behavior, stop and just watch. Remember that someone else's family happiness often becomes the cause of the envy of many people who have not been able to find it. Gossip may be deliberately spread around you in order to cause serious problems for your family.
There are some signs that tell you if your husband is cheating on you. Frequent delays from work, repeated phone calls behind closed doors, active communication on the Internet that stops immediately as soon as you get close to the computer, endless business trips and weekend shifts - all this can indicate one of two things: either your the spouse is a workaholic, or he really has another woman.
There are also a lot of other signs of betrayal: the passivity of a spouse in bed, irritability bordering on anger towards you, increased criticism in your direction, or, conversely: flowers, gifts, endless apologies for everything, etc. All this does not necessarily mean that your husband is unfaithful to you, but it raises certain doubts about his honesty.
If your husband is caught and completely exposed in treason, your strategy of behavior will depend entirely on one single goal, namely: whether you want to leave the family or whether you want to save your marriage. In the first case, you can afford anything you like, for example: arrange a grand scandal with the beating of plates and proudly slam the door, or quietly and peacefully divorce with the division of property and other obligations. In this case, the unfaithful husband will be punished as you yourself wish.
In the event that adultery is not a reason for you to destroy your family, it is most reasonable to start the steps towards reconciliation not with beating plates, but with a frank family conversation one-on-one. Do not hold back your feelings, let your husband see how painful and unpleasant you are from the fact of his infidelity. Try to make him feel all the degree of your disappointment in him that you experience. Tell your spouse firmly that this is the last time you forgive this.
What will be the punishment in this case is up to you, some spouses introduce a long-term taboo on sex, others, on the contrary, try to use to the maximum the sexual energy of the spouse, which he spent on another woman. Those women who believe that cheating on their wife is the best option for revenge often later admit their mistake and become even more confused in the problems of infidelity.
And, finally, good advice to all married women, both those faced with the problem of betrayal of the other half, and those whose men remain faithful: do not completely dissolve in your spouse, do not lose your own "I", find time for hobbies, improve yourself and comprehensively develop! Your image should not be associated with your husband's image of a housewife in a dressing gown, be different, interesting, socially active and the problem of cheating will cease to be relevant to you.