How To Plan A Pregnancy For Your Husband

How To Plan A Pregnancy For Your Husband
How To Plan A Pregnancy For Your Husband

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Constant stress and overwork, unhealthy diet, irregular working hours and poor environment - all these factors do not contribute to the conception of a healthy child. The press and TV screens talk a lot about the health of the expectant mother, but the child's father is often forgotten.

How to plan a pregnancy for your husband
How to plan a pregnancy for your husband


Step 1

A woman is taught to take care of herself, her health from an early age, because a girl is born together with her eggs, which during her life receive the same load as herself. Male sex cells - sperm cells - are renewed in the body every 67 days, which seemingly allows you to relax and not worry about anything. Unfortunately, if a couple cannot get pregnant on their own and see a doctor, in about half of the cases, reproductive health problems are with the husband and not with the wife.

Step 2

The male reproductive cell must not only fertilize (i.e., having penetrated through the membrane, penetrated into the female ovum, combining the genetic materials of the parents), it must first reach the target. And this is very difficult. It is for this that the sperm needs a tail. All these fine structures of the male reproductive cell are very sensitive to various excesses, for example, to alcohol abuse and smoking.

Step 3

The first thing a man preparing to become a father can do is to quit smoking. He should also try to lose weight a little - adipose tissue, especially in the abdominal region, is itself capable of producing female-type hormones, which will reduce sperm activity. A man should pay more attention to sports - they contribute to an increase in endorphins and testosterone in the body, which has a positive effect on potency. It is necessary to ensure that the groin area does not overheat - in the bath or when wearing too tight underwear, since for the normal development of full-fledged sperm cells, a temperature is required below body temperature.

Step 4

At the same stage, it is necessary to pass tests for common infections, so that in case of positive results, there is time to be treated. You need to visit a specialist doctor if you are being observed with one of them for chronic diseases.

Step 5

But even if some problematic points are found - do not despair! Sometimes it is enough to take vitamins for a month or two, and sometimes just to reconsider the lifestyle a little in order for everything to work out.
