Pregnancy is not always planned; in some families, men are categorically against the birth of a child. But if you are still preparing to become a mother, you simply have to inform your spouse about it.

When to tell your husband about pregnancy
If you become pregnant with a spouse who is not ready for the birth of a baby, most likely it will be very difficult for you to decide to tell him about it. You will constantly wind yourself up with thoughts about how he will react to such overwhelming news, whether he will decide to ask you for an abortion, whether he will quit. However, no matter what you think about, you still need to communicate important information to your husband as soon as possible. The fact is that he will have more time to come to terms with the upcoming fatherhood. If you decide, for some reason, to hide your position for a while, your lover will consider your behavior dishonest and, possibly, get very angry.
How to tell your spouse about your pregnancy
The best way to tell your husband about your pregnancy is to refuse messages or phone calls. Such important information still needs to be discussed, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.
Choose a suitable time and place for the meeting. Remember that during such a serious conversation, no one should interfere with you. The conversation can be started remotely, for example, by asking if your spouse would like to have children. Try to find strong arguments that you are ready for offspring. Most likely, you are both adults and independent people, perhaps you already have your own or rented housing, a car and some money savings. If your lover agrees that it is time to think about the child, you can safely tell him that it is too late to think about it, but it's time to start preparing for childbirth. If your spouse begins to look for reasons why you cannot now decide on such a serious step, discuss with him ways to resolve them. Try to convince you otherwise and talk about your pregnancy. A loving man, even if he does not want children yet, will take such news with dignity and will never ask you for an abortion. But if this does happen, you must understand that everything depends only on your own desire. You can tell your husband that you yourself can raise the baby, even if the spouse decides to leave you. Such a statement may make him ashamed of his cowardice.
Some girls don't have the courage to speak out loud about pregnancy. In this case, you can simply show your beloved man a positive pregnancy test, let him then decide what to do.