If you want to control the behavior of your own spouse, then do not try to explicitly control him. When your motives become clear to a man, he will begin to try to free himself from the tenacious bonds of your control in order to be free. Therefore, act wisely.

Step 1
Show your husband your love for him. An open expression of your feelings (love, affection, care and tenderness) will work better than any pressure. Each of us still has a child in need of a warm relationship. In cases where you need something from your spouse, you may temporarily not show your feelings, and he will follow your lead. This is the nature of man, he is ready for a lot for the sake of love.
Step 2
Let your husband be who he really is. Don't try to change his character or teach him new habits. Let him feel free in a relationship. The more you can allow your husband to do various things that he wants to do or not do, the more affectionate and submissive towards you he will become. This will be his gratitude to you for loving him the way he is.
Step 3
Encourage the male ego. Let your spouse feel that he is in charge of the family. It is very important for men to feed their sense of self-importance in this way. Ask him for advice and respect his opinion. It is especially effective to do this in public.
Step 4
Practice diplomacy when asking your husband for a favor. Treat him with a smile while maintaining a calm tone of voice and goodwill. Don't be demanding. Of course, you should not use such means as tantrums and scandals, this will only alienate your spouse from you.
Step 5
Keep sex at its best. Get more and more passionate over time. Always be aware of how you look and what clothes you wear. Try to always be on top, just like on the day you met. Don't let the sexual routine take over in your marriage bed. Don't punish your husband by denying sex. Always be affectionate with him, maintain his interest in erotic relationships, ignite the flame of passion in your family bed.